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The points A and B lie on the curve y=sin(x).

  1. Given that the x coordinate of A is 2π3, find the equation of the tangent to the curve at the point A.

  2. The x coordinate of B is b, and π<b<2π. Given that the normal to the curve at B is perpendicular to the tangent at A, find the coordinates of B.

  3. The tangent at A and the normal at B intersect at C.

    Find, in exact form, the coordinates of C.

Here is a picture:

To find the coordinates of B, notice that if the normal at B is perpendicular to the tangent at A, then the tangent at B must be paralle to the tangent at A.

In other words, dydx at A is the same as dydx at B.

The normal at B is perpendicular to the tangent at B, so use 1m.

If the coordinates of C are (x,y), then x+y can be expressed in simplest form as


Give the value of ab