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A golfer chips a golf ball from ground level. The path of the golf ball follows the shape of a parabola.


As it descends, it just clears the top of a fence. The fence is 2m tall and is at a distance of 8m from the golfer. The ball then travels a further 3m before hitting the ground at the same horizontal level as it was when first struck.

You are given that the path of the ball may be modeled by


where h is the height of the ball, x is the horizontal distance traveled, and d,k are non-zero constants.

  1. Find the values of d and k.

  2. Given that the ball just clears a shrub of height 1.5m as it is ascending, find the horizontal distance from the golfer to the shrub.

  3. Find the greatest height reached by the golf ball.

Let the answers to (b) and (c) be x and y. Give the value of


Overall, the diagram for this problem should look like this:

Annotated parabola


To find d, notice that x=11 is one of the roots of the parabola.

To find k, notice that the point (8,2) lies on the parabola. Substitute this into the equation of the parabola and rearrange.


The diagram showing all the given information looks like this:

Annotated parabola

  1. When x=11,h=0, and so


    We also know that when x=8,h=2 so

  2. Letting h=1.5, we find


    However, since the ball is ascending we must have x=2.

  3. Consider that the roots are x=0 and x=11, by symmetry the highest point will occur when x=5.5, so
