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When placed r meters apart, the gravitational force, F, between two particles with masses m1 and m2 is given by


where G=6.674×10−11 is known as the gravitational constant, and F is measured in Newtons.

Two particles are placed 1.75m apart, and the force between them is measured as 1.9×10−9N. Given that one particle is 18kg heavier than the other, find the mass of the lighter particle.

Give your answer in kg, correct to three significant figures.


Let the lighter particle have mass m, so the heavier particle has mass m+18. Substitute all of the information into the formula and solve the resulting quadratic.


Let the lighter particle have mass m, so the heavier particle has mass m+18. Then the formula gives


Now by the quadratic formula

m=−18±182−4(1)(−87.185…)2=3.97(3 s.f.)