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  1. Show that the equation


    may be rearranged into the form

  2. Using a starting value of x0=2, find a fourth approximation, x3, for the location of one of the stationary points of the curve y=f(x).

  3. By considering f(x) at x=x3 and x=x3±0.001 determine whether x3 is an overestimate or an underestimate for the location of the stationary point.

  4. Given that the stationary point is a turning point, state whether this is a maximum or a minimum point of the curve.

Find the value of x3, rounded to 3 decimal places.

If x3 is an underestimate for the location of the stationary point, multiply this by 13; otherwise multiply by 17.

If the turning point is a minimum point, multiply this by 1; otherwise do nothing.

Give your answer below.