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Problem 9 proof ​

Let p,q∈N be distinct prime numbers.

Prove that


cannot be factorised in the form


where α,β∈N


Suppose, for contradiction, that it is possible. Then α,β are positive integers such that both


You should explain why both α=pq,β=1 and α=p,β=q are impossible choices. It is important that p and q are distinct and prime!


Suppose, for contradiction, that it is possible. Then α,β are positive integers such that both


Now, because p and q are prime numbers, ther are two cases to consider.

Case 1: α=p,β=q. In this case


This is a clear contradiction.

Case 2: α=pq,β=1. In this case


We have shown that q=p(q−1). But q is prime, so either p or q−1 must equal 1. However, p is prime so cannot be 1, therefore q−1=1⇒q=2.

In this case, recall that we had


This is a contradiction because p and q are distinct, so cannot both equal 2.

We've considered all cases and each case results in a contradiction. We must conclude that the original hypothesis is incorrect, i.e. the expression cannot be factored as claimed.