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The word 'iterate' means to do something repeatedly, with a slight improvement each time. In mathematics, an iterative method is one which gradually gets us closer to a solution.

In this tutorial, we'll be looking at a clever type of iteration which helps us to solve equations that are hard to solve using algebra alone.

To do this, we start with some value x0 which we believe to be close to the correct answer. We then iterate to find x1 and then iterate again to find x2. Generally, xn+1 should be closer to the real solution than xn.

Let's see how this is done!

  1. Use an iterative method, with a starting value of x0=1.4, to find 2 further approximations for one of the roots of

  2. Find the value of the root from (a) to 5 decimal places.

  3. Draw a diagram to demonstrate the iterative process used in (a) and (b).