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Consider the area of the shape below:

This area is bound between

  • the line x=a

  • the line x=b

  • the line y=0 (the x axis)

  • the curve y=f(x)

For this area, we use the special notation


This notation tells use where the area starts (x=a), where the area stops (x=b), and the function f(x) which gives the curve. There are various methods for calculating exactly the area ∫abf(x)dx which we will learn in the next chapter, but in this tutorial we will learn how to approximate areas like this using trapeziums.

The trapezium rule ​

In the image below, we show how 4 trapezia can be used to estimate the area under the curve (note that we have let a=x0 and b=x4).

The base of each trapezium is h, and if the trapezia all have the same width then


Let's take a look at one of these trapezia

The area of the trapzium is


and so the whole area can be approximated by


This last line is the most convenient form of the trapezium rule.

More generally, using n trapezia we get




Let's see how to use this in practice.

Using the trapezium rule with 5 strips (6 ordinates), find an estimate for the area


giving your answer to 3 significant figures.